As a State Representative for Manchester, I fully support the public safety initiatives expressed in the House Republicans’ Contract with New Hampshire. Our commitment to law enforcement, reform of our broken bail system, and ensuring New Hampshire never becomes a sanctuary state is vital to keeping our communities safe.
This past year, House Republicans worked diligently to fix New Hampshire’s broken bail system. While many cities became revolving doors with dangerous and violent criminals using get-out-of-jail-free cards to land back on the streets, Republicans passed critical legislation ensuring that dangerous offenders are not released back into our communities. Look at Manchester. Under Democrat Mayor Joyce Craig’s leadership, Manchester became a hotbed of violent crime and homeless tent cities. Now running for Governor, her first stated objective is to undo the Sununu agenda and implement her failed policies across our whole state.
New Hampshire cannot afford this disastrous record. If we elect Joyce Craig and give her Democrat majorities in the State House, we will not only lose the New Hampshire Advantage, we will put the safety of our friends, families, and neighbors at risk. Granite Staters deserve better than Joyce Craig and the Democrats’ tent cities, runaway drug crises, and rampant crime.
When you vote in November, consider the failed public safety policies of Joyce Craig and the Democrats, and elect Republicans to represent you as State Representatives and Senators. Let’s send Kelly Ayotte to the corner office and together be certain that New Hampshire stays safe and prosperous.