Recently, an illegal immigrant who murdered a Nashua woman was sentenced to 33 years in prison. Also, the Customs and Border patrol at the Swanton sector of our Canadian border reported that they have more apprehensions in the last fiscal year than the last 17 years combined. Meanwhile last year, a Brazilian mass murderer was caught in Raymond on visa fraud, all while Massachusetts has had countless cases of sexual crimes, murders, and assaults committed by illegal aliens.
So what did Democrat State Representatives do? They voted twice for Sanctuary City policies which invite criminals into New Hampshire, then opposed funding to secure both our southern and northern border from invasion. To twist the knife, a House Democrat went on to say that the invasion at both of our borders were “imaginary border crises,” and to dismiss people who are expressing concern over such serious occurrences as “being ginned up to be concerned about one or two mass murderers.” Call me ‘ginned up’ but I strongly believe that we should have ZERO mass murderers in our state, much less illegal alien mass murderers.
The safety of our state relies on having a secure border. It is beyond clear that New Hampshire’s Democrat State Representatives do not take this issue seriously. New Hampshire should be a land of law, but Democrat actions continue to put the safety of the public, you, and your family at risk.
Enough is enough. This November, reject Democrat lawlessness and send Republicans to Concord to end this madness.