Throughout our lives, we’ve been taught the importance of saving money, especially for retirement and unexpected emergencies. We learn that mastering the art of living within our means and adhering to a budget is essential. Yet, as the economy squeezes the wallets of Granite Staters, New Hampshire House Democrats tried on three separate occasions to tax your savings.
Let’s be clear: this is an income tax.
New Hampshire House Democrat Leader Matt Wilhelm sponsored one of these bills, which would have resulted in a staggering $133 million burden on taxpayers. Yet, remarkably, his colleagues decided that wasn’t enough; they proposed another bill to implement an income tax totaling $451 million.
Fortunately, House Republicans stopped these attempts in their tracks. But it is extremely alarming that Democrats are trying so desperately to tax your income to fund their big government spending sprees. It is time for Democrats to learn that they need to live within a reasonable budget, and not use the taxpayer as a never-ending piggy bank.
This November, I urge you to stand with me and my fellow Republicans. Let’s keep the Democrats’ income tax far from your wallet.