For twenty-three of the past thirty-three years, it has been an honor and a privilege to serve as a member of the New Hampshire House. I am proud to have had the opportunity to represent my constituents in Hudson and Pelham, and I will forever be grateful for their continued support. To my friends and colleagues in the House, please know what a pleasure it has been to serve as your Speaker. Together, we have helped to make the state stronger and better equipped to deal with the challenges of the future.
Although I will miss continuing this journey with you, I am excited to begin serving the state in a different capacity – and in an area that is close to my heart. Since one of my duties as Commissioner of Agriculture will be to monitor issues that affect the state’s agricultural community, I will still be involved with the Legislative Branch in that regard and provide input when necessary. I look forward to working with you on those occasions and seeing you from time to time in the State House Complex.
It has been an incredible time in my life, and I am blessed to leave the State House with so many special memories and wonderful friendships. I will always have the greatest respect for my legislative colleagues and cannot begin to express how fortunate we are to have such a truly exceptional staff. Thank you all for your service to the state. I wish you a wonderful holiday season and much health and happiness in the New Year.
Shawn N. Jasper, Speaker