CONCORD – House Speaker William O’Brien (R-Mont Vernon) and House Majority Leader Pete Silva (R-Nashua) today offered the following statements after the House passed CACR 13, a constitutional amendment to ban any new taxes on personal income. By clearing the House 266 to 110, the amendment will now go on the ballot in November, where, if it is supported by 2/3rd of the voters, it will become part of the state constitution.
House Speaker William O’Brien
“A fundamental component of the New Hampshire Advantage is not having an income tax. This amendment will guarantee that for years to come, the citizens of our state do not have to fear that the state will begin taxing their wages. This is one more step in transforming state government to protect what is special about our state and ensure that our prosperity is secured long after we are gone.”
House Majority Leader Pete Silva
“As someone who works in states across New England and who sees the drag that an income tax puts on those states’ economies, I know that we need to ensure that New Hampshire never sees an income tax. This amendment guarantees that our children and our future generation will be free from the threat of an income tax. We talk about our New Hampshire Advantage and retaining it, and this amendment is the strongest step we could take to put this advantage into our constitution.”