CONCORD – House Majority Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued the a statement following the close of the House of Representatives bill sign-off period, which ended Friday, October 27th.
“Republicans in the House have put forward a broad array of proposals touching on several major policy areas including the opioid crisis, clean drinking water, energy, education, and regulation reform. Our policy committees are ready to get to work, and we’re looking forward to working on these bills in the coming year. We’re proud of the work we did in 2017, including passing a fiscally responsible state budget. The second year of the term sets the tone for the upcoming election, and we believe we’re building a solid resume for the voters to review,” said Hinch.
“Democrats, on the other hand, appear to be focused on bigger government and unsustainable spending. Last week, we criticized Democrats for proposing single-payer health care, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’re seeing bills attacking school choice and second amendment rights from their members, too. That’s not the direction we believe the state should be heading in.”
Background: During a window beginning on September 6th and ending September 22nd, House members had the opportunity to file legislative service requests, also known as LSRs, which are bill requests under development. The sign-off period after requests are filed allows time for legislators to develop their bills, find co-sponsors, and review drafts, before giving it their final approval for introduction. Legislators also have the option of withdrawing their requests, or not signing off on drafts, in which case the bill(s) would not move forward. The list of LSRs can be found here: