CONCORD – House Majority Leader Jack Flanagan (R-Brookline) offered the following statement relative to House Finance Committee action on HB1 and HB2, the state budget bills. After weeks of negotiations, the committee adopted several amendments to the Governor’s original proposal, and by a vote of 15-11 (HB1) and 15-10 (HB2) recommend to the full House that the bills ought to pass.
House Majority Leader Jack Flanagan (R-Brookline)
“The budget process is never easy and I commend the Finance committee for all of their hard work and appreciate the tough decisions they had to make throughout this process. I believe the final product is something Republicans will stand by as a fiscally responsible, balanced budget that does not raise taxes and slows the growth of government.”
“Republicans were elected to a majority in the House in part to ensure that our state lives within its means. Therefore the Finance committee did what they could with existing revenue. Spending was prioritized to ensure our state’s most vulnerable citizens continue to receive essential services and our state government will continue to meet the needs of its citizens.”