For Immediate Release
February 12, 2014
Contact: 603-271-3665
House Republican Leader Comments Outcome of Gun Background Check Bill
CONCORD – House Republican Leader Gene Chandler (R-Bartlett) today offered the following comments relative to the House vote on HB 1589, a bill that would have placed excessive restrictions on the private sale and transfer of firearms. The bill was defeated 242-118.
House Republican Leader Gene Chandler (R-Bartlett)
“New Hampshire ranks among the safest states in America. The vast majority of gun owners in New Hampshire are honest, law abiding citizens. The original bill was an unnecessary attempt to solve a non-existent problem in our state and could have made criminals out of responsible gun owners.”
“A bipartisan majority of the House believed this bill was not necessary. By killing the bill, we have avoided what would have been an excessive government overreach and restriction of 2nd Amendment rights.”
“Nothing in the bill alleviated the concern that guns sales or loans to family members would not be subject to background checks, which is an unnecessary intrusion into the rights of law abiding citizens.”