CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) offered the following statement on the passage of SB290, relative to the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program. The bill would significantly water down provisions worked out in a bipartisan manner last year relative to the work requirement for enrollees, and set an dangerous position of allowing general funds to be used for the program.
“Make no mistake, SB290 is a direct attack on the bipartisan compromise reached just last year on the granite advantage health care program. Part of that deal was prohibiting the use of General Funds for the program, so no matter what, taxpayers will be protected. Why Democrats are removing this prudent measure is beyond me.”
“This bill significantly weakens the work requirement that has only just been implemented. I’m disappointed that Democrats broke a promise in an attempt to solve a problem that we’re not even sure exists. These changes will result in less incentives for enrollees to participate in our economy in a way that may help them get off the program in the future, and could put our tax payers on the hook for tens of millions in new costs.”