Concord, NH- House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) released the following statement after the House of Representatives cast a bipartisan vote to sustain Governor Sununu’s vetoes of HB 109, requiring background checks for commercial firearms sales, HB514, imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm, and HB 564, relative to possession of firearms on school property.
“New Hampshire is consistently ranked as one of the safest states in the nation. The vast majority of gun owners in New Hampshire are honest, law abiding citizens,” said Hinch. “These bills are an unnecessary attempt to solve a problem that doesn’t exist in our state. This excessive government overreach has the potential to make criminals out of responsible gun owners.”
“Had these bills become law, they would have done nothing to alleviate the concerns of the bills’ proponents, they would have done nothing to solve our national issues, nor would they have prevented individuals from doing harm. I am pleased the House stood firm with Governor Sununu and cast a bipartisan vote to sustain his vetoes of these bills.”