CONCORD – House Majority Leader Jack Flanagan (R-Brookline) and House Election Law Committee Chair Kathleen Hoelzel (R-Raymond) offered the following statements on the passage of SB179, relative to eligibility to vote in New Hampshire. The bill passed as amended by a vote of 211-145.
House Election Law Committee Chair Kathleen Hoelzel (R-Raymond)
“The requirement that a person have established his or her domicile in New Hampshire for at least 30 days before voting makes our election laws more easily understood, so all who are qualified have an equal opportunity to register and vote. Election officials will now more easily be able to answer the question: “what does domicile mean?” Unclear laws invite those not qualified to try to take advantage of the lack of clarity and may discourage those who are qualified from exercising their right. Our government has a duty to make the election laws clear and easily understood. This bill will make clear that a person must have established his or her domicile here at least 30 days before the election.”
House Majority Leader Jack Flanagan (R-Brookline)
“In the 2014 election cycle there were 9 recounts for state representative races that were decided by single digit margins. 3 of those recounts were for elections that were initially tied. If we know that there are thousands of voters registering with out of state IDs, and we know our elections are decided by such slim margins, isn’t it fair to have a clearer definition of domicile in our statutes to ensure the votes that are deciding our elections are cast by duly qualified voters?”