CONCORD – House Majority Leader Jack Flanagan (R-Brookline) and House Commerce Committee member Rep. Joe Hannon (R-Lee) today offered the following statements on the defeat of HB 686, a bill sponsored by House Democrats that would have established a socialized single payer health care system in New Hampshire. The bill was killed by a majority voice vote.
House Majority Leader Jack Flanagan (R-Brookline)
“I’d like to thank our Vermont neighbors for bringing to light the crippling costs associated with implementing a single payer health care system. They’ve abandoned their plan for socialized medicine, and today, the New Hampshire House roundly rejected this bill that would have led to skyrocketing taxes and a reduction in the quality of and access to care.”
Rep. Joe Hannon (R-Lee), House Commerce Committee
“Bringing forward legislation of this nature while we are still in the early stages of the Affordable Care Act is a tacit admission that Obamacare is a failed policy.”