CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement at the conclusion of Wednesday’s budget bill committee of conference meeting.
“You may hear Democrats championing this budget as some sort of breakthrough, but let me tell you, it is rife with policy and gimmicks that put New Hampshire on a path to insolvency,” Hinch said. “Republicans just can’t support raising taxes on businesses at a time when our continued economic success hinges upon our competitiveness to retain jobs here. We made a promise to job creators 2 years ago, and they expect us to follow through.”
“Governor Sununu gave Democrats a roadmap to compromise, and their GPS lead them down the same road of overtaxing and record spending. This budget is unbalanced and built on inflated revenues that will lead us into structural deficits in the short term. It spends one time revenue on the growth of government, which will hurt us now and in future budgets. They’ve even introduced significant policy changes into the budget without a proper public hearing. This appears to be a partisan hack job of a budget, and it’s just not going to work. House Republicans will stand united to support a veto from the Governor.”