CONCORD– A resolution brought forward by Minority Leader Gene Chandler, Majority Leader Stephen Shurtleff and Speaker Terie Norelli called for honoring the victims and heroes of the Boston Marathon Tragedy. House Resolution 9 received unanimous bipartisan support 312-0.
Minority Leader Gene Chandler’s statement on the resolution:
“We felt it was imperative that the New Hampshire House show support, honor and respect for the victims of the terrible events in Boston, including Jeff Bauman, who has personified this human tragedy, helped achieve justice by identifying the suspects, and continues to be a source of inspiration for all of us as he recovers from his injuries.”
“This resolution was offered and passed on behalf of all the citizens of our great State. To all those affected by the attacks, first responders who aided the injured and to the law enforcement community that worked tirelessly to apprehend the suspects: New Hampshire stands with you. Any remarks made to the contrary are not representative of the New Hampshire House or the citizens of the Granite State.”
Speaker Terie Norelli’s statement on the resolution:
“The heroes and victims of the tragic events that occurred at the Boston Marathon, including Jeff Bauman, deserve not just to be honored, but also to be provided with the utmost respect and compassion. Together as a community and a legislature we honor the victims and celebrate the heroes.”
The entire text of the resolution can be found below.
New Hampshire House of Representatives
House Resolution #9
Honoring the victims and heroes of the Boston Marathon Tragedy
WHEREAS, the New Hampshire House of Representatives shares the sorrow of the tragedy at this year’s Boston Marathon with its victims, their families and friends; and
WHEREAS, Jeff Bauman, who lost both his legs in the bombings, helped to identify the suspects, which led to their capture and prevented further acts of violence; and
WHEREAS, first responders and law enforcement personnel acted without regard for their own personal safety to care for and save as many victims as possible and ensured the safety of all by bringing the suspects to justice; and
WHEREAS, recent remarks have taken the focus away from honoring the victims and celebrating the heroes of this tragedy; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the New Hampshire House of Representatives, in Regular Session
That the House does hereby disavow any unfounded speculation or accusation that dishonors those affected by the tragic events in Boston; and
That the New Hampshire House of Representatives does hereby commend Jeff Bauman as a hero for his actions and wishes him a quick recovery; and
That the New Hampshire House of Representatives does hereby honor all the victims and celebrate all the heroes of the senseless tragedy at this year’s Boston Marathon.
Offered by: Representative Gene Chandler
Representative Stephen Shurtleff
Speaker Terie Norelli