Concord—NH House Speaker Shawn Jasper today announced the formation of a 14-member committee charged with considering all matters pertaining to the functioning, revision and reform of public employee pension plans and programs. “Our public employee pension system has one of the highest unfunded rates in the nation,” said Jasper. “We need to find ways to reduce that unfunded liability and reform our public employee pension system in a way that protects our retirees and ensures a solvent retirement system for future generations,” added Jasper.
Veteran lawmaker David Hess (R-Hooksett) will chair the Special Committee on Public Employee Pension Plans. The committee will also look at the funding of public employee pension plans and programs; eligibility for participation in and benefits under public employee pension plans and programs; and alternative pulblic employee pension plans and programs.
Rep. John Sytek (R-Salem) will assist Rep. Hess as the Vice Chair. Also named to the new pension committee were Rep. Neal Kurk (R-Weare); Rep. William Infantine (R-Manchester); Rep. Gary Azarian (R-Salem); Rep. William Ohm (R-Nashua); Rep. Frank Byron (R-Litchfield); Rep. Mark Proulx (R-Manchester); Rep. Jeffrey Goley (D-Manchester); Rep. Daniel Sullivan (D-Manchester); Rep. Patricia Lovejoy (D-Stratham); Rep. Dianne Schuett (D-Pembroke); Rep. Len DiSesa (D-Dover); and Rep. Frank Edelblut (R-Wilton).