Lori Korzen – Democrat State Representatives Have Never Met a Tax Hike They Didn’t Like

There is an immense irony in Democrat State Representatives talking about “affordability” when they have taken every chance to make life less affordable for Granite Staters.

These last two years alone, Democrat State Representatives voted five times for legislation that would have raised your electric bill over $500 million. In a state where electric bills are already too high, this would have made life completely unaffordable for everyone.

Furthermore, NH House Democrat leader Matt Wilhelm himself sponsored a tax hike that would have raised your taxes by over $133 million. His fellow Democrats, though, decided that this number was not enough, and sponsored their own proposal to up that tax hike to over $451 million. In addition to these two tax hikes, Additionally, Democrat State Representatives also tried to make life more unaffordable by taxing churches, raising taxes on tobacco, tourism and then after their two other tax hikes failed, tried a third time to tax your retirement savings and bank account interest.

Democrats have an awful record on affordability and taxes. Joyce Craig introduced a city sales tax while mayor and overrode the tax cap multiple times. Plus, the last time Democrats ran the State House, they increased or created over 100 taxes and fees. 

It is impossible to make life affordable if all you do is tax citizens until they’re broke and Democrat State Representatives have never met a tax hike that they didn’t like. This November, vote Republican down ballot and stop unaffordable Democrat tax increases.