Congratulations, Republican Representatives-Elect

We’d like to congratulate all of our Republican Representatives-Elect. Below is an unofficial list of all of the Republican winners for each district, pending recounts and certification.
As recounts are completed, we will update this list.


District 1- Harry Viens
District 2- Glen Aldrich, Harry Bean, Deanna Jurius, Jonathan Mackie
District 3- Richard Beaudoin (Pending BLC Ruling), Peter Spanos, Frank Tilton
District 4- Dennis Fields, Timothy Lang
District 5- George Feeney, Peter Varney
District 6- John Plumer, Mike Sylvia
District 7- Barbara Comtois
District 8- Raymond Howard


District 4- Glenn Cordelli, Karel Crawford
District 5- Lino Avellani, Ed Comeau, Bill Nelson
District 6- John MacDonald
District 8- William Marsh


District 11- John Hunt, John O’Day


District 1- John Fothergill, Michael Furbush
District 4- Kevin Craig
District 7- Troy Merner


District 1- Erin Hennessey
District 4- Rick Ladd
District 9- Ned Gordon, Vincent Paul Migliore


District 1- Jim Fedolfi
District 2- Keith Erf, Gary Hopper, JP Marzullo
District 6- Joe Alexander, Jr., Barbara Griffin, Michael Gunski, Fred Plett
District 7- Linda Camarota, Dave Danielson, Linda Gould, John Graham, Michael Trento
District 13- Larry Gagne
District 15- Mark Warden
District 20- Ralph Boehm, Richard Lascelles
District 21- Dick Barry, Dick Hinch, Bob L’Heureux, Jeanine Notter
District 22- Reed Panasiti
District 23- Charlie Burns
District 25- Tim Merlino, Paul Somero
District 26- Jack Flanagan
District 27- James Belanger
District 37- Bob Greene, Tony Lekas, Alicia Lekas, Hershel Nunez, Lynne Ober, Russ Ober, Andrew Prout, Andrew Renzullo, Kimberly Rice, Jordan Ulery, James Whittemore
District 39- John Burt
District 41- Laurie Sanborn
District 44- Mark McLean, Mark Proulx


District 2- Werner Horn, David Testerman
District 3- Greg Hill
District 5- Dan Wolf
District 8- Robert Forsythe
District 20- Brian Seaworth
District 21- Jim Allard, John Klose
District 24- Frank Kotowski, Dick Marple, Thomas Walsh, Michael Yakubovich
District 26- Howard Pearl
District 29- Carol McGuire


District 2- Alan Bershtein, James Spillane, Kevin Verville
District 3- Michael Costable, Jr., Kathleen Hoelzel, Kevin Pratt
District 4- Jess Edwards, Jason Osborne, Becky Owens, Tony Piemonte, Chris True
District 5- Al Baldasaro, Tom Dolan, David Lundgren, Betsy McKinney, Sherm Packard, Doug Thomas
District 6 – Brian Chirichiello, Phyllis Katsakiores, David Love, David Milz, John O’Connor, Stephen Pearson, John Potucek, Katherine Prudhomme-O’Brien, James Webb
District 7- Joel Desilets, Mary Griffin, Walter Kolodziej, Charles McMahon
District 8- Daryl Abbas, Arthur Barnes, Ed Declercq, Fred Doucette, Robert Elliott, Betty Gay, John Janigian, Everett McBride, John Sytek
District 9- Sean Morrison
District 10- Dennis Acton
District 12- Scott Wallace
District 13- Dennis Green, Joe Guthrie, David Welch, Ken Weyler
District 14- Debra DeSimone, Robert Harb, Norm Major, Peter Torosian
District 15- Charles Melvin, Sr.
District 16- Dan Davis
District 19- Patrick Abrami
District 20- Max Abramson, William Fowler, Aboul Khan
District 32- Terry Roy
District 33- Josh Yokela
District 34- Mark Pearson
District 35- Deb Hobson
District 37- Jason Janvrin


District 1- Peter Hayward, Abigail Rooney
District 2- James Horgan, Joseph Pitre
District 3- Michael Harrington, Kurt Wuelper
District 9- Steven Beaudoin
District 10- Jody McNally
District 12- Mac Kittredge
District 24- Mona Perreault


District 2- Gates Lucas
District 5- Walter Stapleton
District 6- John Callum, Skip Rollins
District 7- Judy Aron
District 8- Tom Laware
District 11- Steven Smith