Concord, NH- House Majority Floor Leader Joe Sweeney (R-Salem) released the following statement after Finance Committee Democrats voted in lock step to renege on the bipartisan Medicaid Expansion compromise reached 5 months ago in the state budget.
“The bill voted on in the Finance Committee yesterday is identical to the language in the state budget that was just passed at the end of June. The only difference is rather than make the program permanent, the budget extended the program for 7 years.”
“Regular review of our laws and programs will help improve efficiency and ensure the program is helping those we intend to help. Putting government programs on autopilot does not serve the recipients or the taxpayers well.”
“By not electing a decisive majority in the House last November, Granite Staters’ directive to us was that the two parties work together and find practical solutions to everyday problems. Republicans came to the table in the budget process with an original proposal of fewer than 7 years. We negotiated with our colleagues in good faith to reach the final product. The current law will allow legislators in 2030 the opportunity to review and refine the program and ensure it is still working for New Hampshire.”