House Republican Leader Pleased by Governor’s Veto of HB1660

Concord, NH- House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) released the following statement after Governor Sununu vetoed HB1660, establishing a protective order for vulnerable adults. House Republicans unanimously opposed it’s passage and were joined by members of the Democratic caucus. 

“House Republicans spoke loud and clear in February by unanimously opposing this bill’s passage. We were even joined by a few of our friends on the other side of the aisle. The majority of Democrats once again were not listening and thought we wouldn’t catch their tactics. They are wrong and “this dog still won’t hunt”. This bill didn’t do enough about the concerns raised by Governor Sununu after his veto of HB696, and still raised serious concerns over the potential risk to granite staters’ constitutional rights. Rather than address any of the points raised, the bill was rubber stamped in the Senate and sent to the Governor. All with zero Republican support. Clearly a lot more work needs to be done on this issue, and House Republicans will stand united to sustain the Governor’s veto.”

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