CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement following the House vote on HB184, relative to the calculation of kindergarten students in the average daily membership and repealing prorated kindergarten funding based on Keno revenues. The bill passed by a 203-148 vote.
“House Democrats are the party of bait-and-switch this year. Several bipartisan compromises, including this keno-funded kindergarten grant program, were the result of negotiations and compromises by both parties,” said House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack). “Just like their about-face on business taxes and the Medicaid expansion work requirement, they want to walk away from this program, just before 29 more towns have a vote on keno this year. 66 other towns already have keno, and voters may have been moved to adopt it to support this kindergarten program. It doesn’t make sense to walk away now. As more towns approve keno and more establishments come on line, revenue will increase, and there should not be a need repeal this worthwhile funding mechanism.”