House Republicans Introduce a Bill to Establish Universal Education Freedom

Representative Valerie McDonnell (R-Salem), released the following statement after introducing HB115, relative to universal eligibility for the Education Freedom Account program.

“The wildly successful Education Freedom Account (EFA) program has greatly increased the quality of education in the Granite State. In an era where education spending is growing at an unsustainable level, the EFA program has saved taxpayers over $266 million in its opening years”, explained McDonnell.

“This bill levels the playing field of educational opportunities by ensuring that zip codes and income are never obstacles to students reaching their full talent and potential. Every single student deserves a quality education in the environment which best suits their needs. HB115 will empower parents and students to select what works best for them, whether it be in a public, private, or home school setting. Thousands of students have had their lives transformed by this wildly popular program, and I am excited to extend its impact to even more students by making it universally accessible.”