CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement following Governor Sununu’s State of the State Address today.
“The governor laid out a compelling case as to why New Hampshire stands out from its neighbors, and why we shouldn’t look to adopt high-tax, high-regulation policies like our neighbors,” Hinch said. “New Hampshire has led by example in our region to have the fastest growing economy and lowest unemployment, and for good reason.”
”Republican leadership in previous terms laid the groundwork for sustained economic growth and protection of personal liberty. This term, the governor has been the firewall against policies from Democrats in the legislature to roll back those initiatives in their attempt to make New Hampshire’s style of government resemble that of our high-tax, nanny state neighbors like Massachusetts and Connecticut.”
“In the last year and a half, we’ve seen multiple attempts to pass an income tax, an $800 million dollar carbon tax, waves of regulation that would cripple our small businesses, and endless attempts to strip away Second Amendment rights. This is not what New Hampshire is all about. New Hampshire is among the best places in the nation to live, start a business, and raise a family, and we look forward to working with Governor Sununu to protect those values, and innovate for the future.”