Speaker Receives Voter Registration Statistics Requested of Departments of State and Safety

CONCORD – Late yesterday, New Hampshire House Speaker Shawn Jasper (R-Hudson) received a response to an inquiry of the NH Department of State and Department Safety. The inquiry, sent August 16, 2017, sought statistical information on the efforts of both departments to match voter checklist information with records of the Department of Safety. Speaker Jasper sought the information to benefit the legislature in its assessment of the effectiveness of our current election laws as well as future legislation that could improve our voter registration and verification processes. Speaker Jasper offered the following statement upon initial review of the response to his inquiry, “I appreciate the work our state agencies do to ensure they meet the requirements of our existing election laws, and maintain these important statistics.”

Among the information provided by the departments are the following statistics:

6540 individuals registered to vote on November 8th, 2016 using an out-of-state driver’s license.
As of August 30th, 2017, only 1014 (15.5%) of those voters had been issued a New Hampshire driver’s license.
As of August 31, 2017, of the remaining 5526 individuals, only 3.3% had registered a motor vehicle in New Hampshire.
As of August 31, 2017, 5313 (81.2%) of the individuals who used an out-of-state driver’s license had neither held a New Hampshire driver’s license nor had registered a vehicle in New Hampshire.
196 names on the checklist are being investigated as possibly having voted in New Hampshire and one other state.

(The full text of the Speaker’s request and the full response signed by Secretary of State Gardner and Commissioner of Safety John Barthelmes are attached.)


170816 – Letter to Comm. Barthelmes & Sec. Gardner
170906 – Depts of State and Safety Response

2 thoughts on “Speaker Receives Voter Registration Statistics Requested of Departments of State and Safety”

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  2. Pingback: House Majority Leader Applauds Hiring of Fitch to Election Law Post

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