Concord, NH- House Republican leaders released the following statements relative to the ACLU filing a lawsuit on HB1264 on behalf of Dartmouth College students.
House Republican Leader Richard Hinch (R-Merrimack):
“Just this past July, the NH Supreme Court issued an advisory opinion on HB1264 stating there is nothing unconstitutional about requiring individuals to make a choice as to where they are residents.”
“I do not understand what is so unreasonable for us to require that those who participate in our elections be residents of our state,” Hinch continued. “What I do believe to be unreasonable is that we have had two classifications of voters in our state: those who abide by our statutes and laws as residents, and those who don’t. Choosing New Hampshire as your domicile for voting should subject each and every one of us to the same obligation of state citizenship. This bill is about ensuring our elections remain fair for all who cast a vote in our state.”
House Election Law Committee Ranking Republican Kathleen Hoelzel (R-Raymond): “Just yesterday the Election Law committee voted to pass HB106 to repeal all the provisions of HB1264. To bring this lawsuit now is just more of the same perpetual conspiracy theories from Democrats. HB1264 did not make us any different from our neighboring states. In this past election, there were no reports of any voters being disenfranchised by the new requirements. In fact, voter turnout in college towns made records. Considering the Supreme Court has already issued an advisory opinion on this bill, I look forward to that opinion being upheld by the US District Court.”