House Speaker Sherman Packard (R-Londonderry) and Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) responded to a new state-by-state accomplishments sheet released by the Biden Administration aiming to take credit for the economic stability House Republicans achieved for NH in this last legislative term:
House Speaker Packard:
“I cannot blame President Biden for wanting to highlight the accomplishments achieved by NH Republicans. With rising gas prices, record-high inflation, and supply chain issues due to inept management at the national level – it is no wonder this Administration would want to piggyback off the success of state policies, particularly here in the Granite State.”
“With smart, thoughtful management and with the help of my leadership team, this state was able to rise above the challenges COVID-19 presented and move forward. This legislature implemented business tax cuts to encourage a competitive environment to attract new employees and retain quality workers. We provided nearly $400 million in property tax relief to towns and municipalities. We loosened regulations and gave NH families the opportunity to choose the educational path that best fits them.”
“Despite Washington’s counterproductive policies that have only brought chaos and instability – NH added more jobs to its economy and has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. Our state has consistently been ranked as one of the best places in which to live, work, and raise a family – thanks to the hard work of our citizen-legislators, not the Democrats in Congress or President Biden.”
Majority Leader Osborne:
“It is laughable that the Biden Administration believes the ‘robust economic progress’ New Hampshire has made over the last two years is a result of his policies. Our historically low unemployment rate, the additional jobs added, the growth in small business, is all a result of sound fiscal management and Republican policies passed by the New Hampshire state legislature.”
“The Biden Administration has only been successful in causing massive inflation and gas prices to rise to historic levels. This administration has done nothing to facilitate pro-business conditions that help employers provide competitive wages or fostered an environment to help attract and retain employees. Instead, we have Granite Staters who are worried that they cannot pay the ever-increasing cost of groceries, for gas in order to get to work, and never mind how they are going to pay to heat their homes this coming winter. Next year, New Hampshire’s Republican majority will be laser-focused on policies to enable Granite Staters to weather the disaster being brought upon us by Washington.”