Concord, NH – House Science, Technology and Energy committee Chairman Michael Vose (R-Epping) released the following statement after the House passed SB79, relative to the participation of customer generators in net energy by a vote of 194-179.
“This bill forces us to answer one simple question: Should ordinary ratepayers be forced to subsidize the energy costs of corporate interests? House Republicans overwhelmingly opposed this legislation. This bill will increase the net metering cap by 500%. In other words, utilities would be forced to purchase excess solar power at an elevated rate. While the intent is to control electric costs, the reality is ratepayers are forced to cover the costs. Last year, ratepayers were forced to pay over $20 million to cover current net metering costs. Our State’s Department of Energy and the Office of the Consumer Advocate opposed this legislation for that exact reason.”
“The only ones that stand to benefit from this legislation are capable of building solar farms the size of 25 football fields. This is a giveaway to our state’s largest and most powerful organizations on the backs of seniors and single moms. Let’s be clear, there is nothing that prevents a business from installing as much solar as they desire. If it was economical, they would do just that. Unfortunately, significant corporate welfare at the ratepayers’ expense is needed to make it worthwhile. House Republicans will not support Granite State families padding the bottom line of private businesses.”