Concord, NH – House Science, Technology and Energy committee Chairman Michael Vose (R-Epping) released the following statement after House Democrats supported HB1472, relative to rebates of energy efficiency funds for electric vehicles. The House voted Inexpedient to Legislate on this legislation by a voice vote.
“The free market is speaking loud and clear on electric vehicles and House Democrats refuse to listen. On top of the billions of dollars in subsidies at the federal level, House Democrats now want to raise Granite Staters’ electric rates by $1.5 million to add to this amount. The majority of EV buyers make over $100,000 a year. These vehicles are too expensive for the average Granite Stater and giving these individuals an additional $2,000 off their purchase will not meaningfully change the trends in this market. More people will own electric vehicles when they become economically competitive. The mere existence of this legislation shows that we have not reached that point.”
“I would encourage our colleagues on the other side of the aisle to ignore Massachusetts and start listening to Granite Staters. Following the energy policies of our neighbors is a great way to freeze to death or go broke, whichever comes first.”
“This legislation is a giveaway to our state’s wealthiest people at the expense of lower-income Granite Staters. I thank my colleagues for killing this reverse Robin Hood scheme.”