Concord, NH- New Hampshire House leaders released the following statement in response to the Fiscal Committee voting 7-3 to accept more than $10 million in federal funding for the purpose of expanding charter school opportunities for New Hampshire students.
Acting Speaker Sherman Packard (R-Londonderry):
“Education is not a one-size-fits all system for our children. We have waiting lists to enter charter schools, and many areas of our state without access to these alternative public schools. The acceptance of this federal grant will put NH on a pathway to open more charter schools to better serve students in those areas, and allow parents to access more options to fit the needs of their children.”
House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn):
“For a party that calls themselves champions of education, leaving over $10 million in money for schools on the table, for over a year, is absolutely shocking. There are many communities in this state where there is only one option for education. For the students who may not be thriving in that environment, charter schools provide another option for educational success. Democrats embarrassed our state by leaving this money on the table for so long. They opted to play politics with thousands of children’s educational opportunities rather than help all children in our state succeed. Especially during the pandemic, we have seen the increased need across the state
House Finance Chair Ken Weyler (R-Kingston):
“I am glad that we have finally recognized the successes of our existing charter schools and the fact that there is demand for them throughout the state in places where they don’t currently exist. It was wrong, and partisan, to deny these funds in the last biennium. We can finally distribute these much needed funds and expand opportunities for New Hampshire’s students.”