Concord, NH- House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) released the following statement after the House voted to concur with and pass HB1 and HB2, the state budget bills.
“Not only did the House pass its version of the budget in a historic unanimous vote weeks ago, but today we made history once again by concurring with the Senate changes and voting by a large margin to pass a final product. The budget we passed today is the result of working together both across the aisle, and across the wall, in order to find a bipartisan compromise that both parties and both chambers can live with.”
“We delivered a fiscally responsible spending plan that meets the needs of our state and addresses many of our top priorities, without raising taxes. We made reforms to the emergency powers statute, included a sunset for the Granite Advantage Healthcare Program, and fully repealed our state income tax at the end of the biennium. This was an inclusive process from start to finish, and this budget reflects our desire to meet the demands of our constituents and build consensus within the House and Senate.”