Concord, NH- House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) and Deputy House Majority Leader Fred Doucette (R-Salem) released the following statement after the House Education Committee voted to retain HB20, establishing the Richard “Dick” Hinch education freedom account program, on a vote of 20-0.
House Majority Leader Jason Osborne:
“HB20 remains our number one priority for this legislative session. The House Education committee had a quickly approaching deadline that did not afford them the time they needed today. I commend Chairman Ladd, Vice Chairman Cordelli, and the Republicans on the committee for their hard work on this bill. I look forward to working with them going forward on making this the best legislation for New Hampshire students and families.”
Deputy House Majority Leader Fred Doucette:
“The Democrats have been quick to point out the thousands of people they claim opposed this bill, but I’d like to know how many of those people actually live in New Hampshire. Recent polling has shown that over 70% of New Hampshire families are in support of education freedom accounts. Our members remain committed to protecting New Hampshire interests, not out of state interests who seek to meddle in our education system. New Hampshire students do not fit into a one size fits all education system, and we will continue work on HB20 to ensure that we give students and families the choice to find the best situation that works for them.”