CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) released the following statement in response to Governor Sununu’s veto of HB 1665, establishing an independent redistricting commission.
“This is yet another poorly crafted Democrat legislative concept that for the most part resembles legislation from last year, that the governor vetoed, and the legislature sustained. The constitution is clear, this is a legislative responsibility. A non-binding commission will only cause confusion as to whose responsibility it really is. Any entity is welcome to work with the legislature to come up with a plan in 2021, and any group of concerned citizens are already able to share their opinion on redistricting with the legislature, or submit a plan for the legislature’s consideration. If Republicans are in the majority, I assure you that we will continue the tradition of a transparent process with plenty of opportunity for public input, without the need for a separate commission.”
“Let’s be clear. This bill is being pushed by deep-pocket, out of state dark money groups driven by the Democrat national party bosses. Democrats will stop at nothing to manipulate the redistricting process in their favor rather than preserve our existing process where the people of New Hampshire have a say. When dark money is being spent to try to influence the legislature and pressure the governor, we need to push back. New Hampshire won’t stand for that. I’m thankful for Governor Sununu’s veto of this bill, again, and is leaving this process close to the people. Republicans will stand united to sustain his veto again.”