DURHAM – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement following the House vote on a House Rules amendment sponsored by House Speaker Steve Shurtleff (D-Concord) that would have established deadlines for House business that rushed and skipped steps in the legislative process. The amendment was not developed in consultation with Republicans in the House.
“In March, Republicans agreed to a process proposed by Democrats that would have produced a bipartisan roadmap forward,” Hinch said. “Democrats did not hold up their end of the bargain. Republicans don’t believe they should support a plan that they had no input on, and shortchanges the legislative process.”
Hinch continued, “My Republican colleagues and I are genuinely eager to complete the work we were elected to do. It’s time for the Speaker to fulfill his duty of representing the entire House of Representatives, not just take orders from his partisan leadership team. There is still time to work collaboratively, and Republicans have the will to do so.”
The House voted on Thursday 199-143 to adopt an amendment to House Rules that would have modified deadlines allowing the House to move forward on leftover House bills and allow committee work and action on Senate bills. It failed to reach the ⅔ majority needed to pass the amendment.