CONCORD, NH – Representative Diane Pauer (R- Brookline) released the following statement after the House passed HB1194, relative to the procedure for overriding a local tax cap and HB1393, relative to the adoption of school district budget caps.
“These bills would give local governments and taxpayers more control over unsustainable local budget increases. The actions by the House are a clear sign to Granite Staters that House Republicans are committed to relieving the burdens being felt by local taxpayers. Just last year, we passed a state-wide budget that reduced property taxes by $100 million. HB1194 and HB1393 ensure that the people of New Hampshire have a tool to rein in unsustainable spending at the local level while providing appropriate flexibility when needed. I thank my Republican colleagues for their support of this legislation and look forward to working with our partners in the Senate to deliver these bills to Governor Sununu’s desk.”