CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) and Republican Member of the Commerce Committee, Rep. Mark Warden (R-Manchester), issued statements following the passage of HB 1472, restricting the distribution of plastic straws. The bill passed by a vote of 197-135.
“The day has come when Democrats in state government want to regulate how you deliver a beverage from a cup to your mouth,” Rep. Dick Hinch said. “The Senate is not receptive to this type of bill, having tabled a similar one last year, and consumers definitely won’t enjoy their choices being restricted. I hope this is the final straw, and we can move on from straw legislation.”
“The bill makes it illegal for a food service business to provide a single-use plastic straw to a customer unless the customer explicitly requests it, or if the customer selects the straw from a self-service dispenser,” Rep. Mark Warden said. “Republicans believe this is unnecessary legislation that limits consumer choice, micro-manages business practices, and does nothing meaningful to address solid waste disposal in this state.”