CONCORD – House Republican Leader Dick Hinch (R-Merrimack) issued a statement following the House vote to pass HB1699, relative to a tax on electronic cigarettes. The bill passed by a vote of 172-142. Just last year, updated provisions on the taxation of e-cigarette products were adopted as part of the bi-partisan budget, and were enacted on January 1 of this year.
“Just about 60 days ago, a new law went into effect regarding the taxation of vaping products, and now we’re already talking about changing it. Republicans are saying we should give it some time. Democrats would like to raise the tax from 8% to 40% right away, and toss aside the provisions we all agreed to less than 6 months ago,” Hinch stated. “Just imagine if you’re a retailer trying to follow the ever changing parameters, and trying to update your business in order to stay afloat and remain competitive. We believe an increase of this nature will simply drive customers to the internet, which will cost New Hampshire jobs, and that’s why all Republicans opposed this bill.”