Manchester, NH – Representatives Stephen Pearson (R-Derry) and Pat Abrami (R-Stratham) released the following statement after the House passed HB1030, relative to licensure by alternate experience for licensed nursing assistants and HB1659, relative to criminal history background checks for certain health care workers:
“New Hampshire, like most of the country, is experiencing a serious shortage of qualified healthcare staff that has led to significant strains on facilities around the state. Despite commendable actions to address this crisis, further action is needed in order to continue making progress,”
“Given the severity of the situation, it is critical that we ensure bureaucratic red tape does not prevent qualified healthcare professionals from joining the workforce in a timely fashion. This legislation takes a positive step in addressing the problem by expediting the wait times for an employee criminal history background check and allowing additional military service members to apply for licensure. We look forward to continuing our work with Nursing Homes, Hospitals, and other stakeholders to remove any unnecessary barriers to those wanting to join our healthcare system.”