Concord, NH – State Representative Judy Aron (R- South Acworth) released the following statement after $25.2 million was approved to help the Sullivan County Nursing Home renovate their facility.
“In June this past year I was thrilled that the Executive Council, Governor, and Fiscal Committee gave their blessing to appropriating $50 million of American Rescue Plan Funds to a special new fund to help with County nursing home renovations. This fund was modeled after the legislation I proposed (HB1525) this year. Although the bill did not pass at the time, I refused to give up on my constituents and persisted in finding solutions for Sullivan County by pursuing unallocated ARPA funding.”
“Due to guidelines at the federal level, many counties need assistance in covering the resulting exorbitant and expensive renovations. With prices as high as $50 million, many simply cannot afford these construction projects. The $25.2 million in assistance from the state will save our Sullivan County taxpayers money.”
“Our county nursing home represents 65% of the nursing home bedspace in Sullivan county. Our friends and neighbors deserve a safe and clean place to live and I am proud that I could be a part of the team that made it happen.”