DURHAM- House Republican Leader Dick Hinch issued the following statement after the House voted 197-139 to sustain the Governor’s veto of HB731, relative to the state minimum hourly rate.
“It’s only fitting that one day after a jobs report shows significant gains in the New Hampshire economy, Republicans can keep the positive trend going by putting an end to this job-killing legislation. This is yet another instance of Democrats putting their progressive agenda ahead of common sense. COVID-19 has dramatically changed lives around the globe, and I know we can all agree on the significant impact it’s had on our small businesses. Given their record over the last two years, I shouldn’t be surprised that they would push such blatantly damaging legislation. Make no mistake, this legislation would do nothing more than force our state’s small businesses to cut hours, cut staff, or potentially close their doors.”
“New Hampshire’s employers have already made it clear that they know what it takes to attract, retain, and compensate their employees properly. I’m glad that we were able to stand up for the livelihoods of Granite Staters and defeat this job-killing proposal once and for all.”