Concord, NH- House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) released the following statement after the House passed the state budget, HB1 and HB2, on a voice vote.
“Passing the budget out of the House is just the first step, and the product that passed today is the result of working together and finding a bipartisan compromise that both sides can live with. There are many parts of this budget I do not support, but there are many parts of this budget that I do support and are in the best interest of the state of New Hampshire.”
“The House has done its job today, and I look forward to the Committee of Conference process in June where we can put all the chess pieces on the board and come up with a final product that we and Granite Staters can be proud of. I thank my colleagues on the Finance committee for their hard work over the last 6 weeks, and my colleagues in the House for coming together and passing HB1 and HB2 on a voice vote.”