Concord, NH- House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) released the following statement in response to reports on the energy assistance program passed by the legislature in 2022 (HB2023) ahead of the application deadline of April 30.
“A fine chap once said, ‘There’s no greater responsibility in all of public service than managing somebody else’s money.’ I completely agree. I am glad that a large amount of the $35 million we put aside to help Granite Staters through the winter ended up not being needed.”
“I am proud of the bipartisan work we accomplished to pass the largest energy relief package in our state’s history that thoughtfully and prudently targeted the relief to those who really needed it. In fact, I couldn’t agree more with Governor Sununu who called this program ‘a big win’ for the state. I thank the people of New Hampshire for responsibly using and not abusing the money the legislature set aside for energy assistance, and I hope those who took advantage of the program received some relief from higher energy prices.”