CONCORD, NH – House Science, Technology & Energy Committee Chairman Michael Vose (R-Epping) released the following statement after the House voted to adopt the Committee of Conference report on HB281.
“This legislation is a resounding win for New Hampshire ratepayers and advocates for minimizing the size and influence of the administrative state. It removes unnecessary regulatory burdens, increases transparency on electric bills, and makes important changes to the Site Evaluation Committee. This bill will help us adequately meet the demand for energy, ensuring our long-term economic success.”
“This legislation repeals an out-of-date law requiring utilities to submit expensive and time-intensive reports to the Public Utilities Commission, the costs of which are passed on to ratepayers. As lawmakers, it is our duty to ensure laws are adapted to the times we are living. This section of the law made sense when utilities owned their energy production facilities, but that time has passed. This change will lower unnecessary regulatory burdens on the utilities and reduces the costs passed onto ratepayers.”
“It increases transparency for ratepayers by requiring electric bills to show the yearly price tag for complying with the renewable portfolio standard. This small change comes at no additional cost to ratepayers and allows them to see where their money is going. I am thankful House Democrats came around after they fought so fiercely against this common sense change.”
“This legislation was passed in a bipartisan manner, with both parties compromising to reach an agreement. I am thrilled that we have been able to keep the momentum going on the historic compromises made in the past year.”